I am Bogna Jaroslawski
I create stage designs, concepts and installation art

Portrait by Manolo Ty

Bogna Grazyna Jaroslawski is an internationally recognized stage designer who bridges the gap between art and social engagement. Her work is marked by innovative approaches that use performing arts as a means to promote community and empowerment. Bogna has received significant recognitions, including the International Social Art Award 2019, highlighting her commitment to using art as a tool for social change.

Her TEDx talk in 2020 impressively outlined the role of art in transforming marginalized communities, emphasizing the importance of participation and visibility. With the establishment of the NGO Masterpiece for Good, she expanded her commitment to fostering cross-cultural collaboration, implementing projects in countries such as India, Indonesia, and South Africa.

With a solid background in Drama and Performance, Stage Design as well as German Literature Studies, Bogna gives her stage designs a unique dramaturgical depth. Since relocating to Berlin in 2003, she has showcased her talent across various theaters and institutions, from independent stages to renowned houses like the Ballet de l’Opera national du Rhin, Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Volksbühne Berlin and the Deutsche Oper Berlin.

Inspired by Joseph Beuys’ concept of “Social Sculpture,” Bogna adds a personal touch to her work that transcends traditional art boundaries. This has made her a sought-after figure for workshops, projects, and as an expert at conferences. Bogna Grazyna Jaroslawski represents a modern fusion of art and activism, with a clear goal of initiating positive social changes through her work.


  • 2020 | Ashtanga Yoga Teacher | 500 RYT
  • 2015 | Master of Arts | Technische Universität Berlin | stage design
  • 2014 | Magister Artium | Freie Universität Berlin | drama and performance
  • 2012 | Magister Artium | Technische Universität Berlin | german literature

  • PRIZEs
  • 2024 | Karneval der Kulturen Berlin | Award for Sustainability
  • 2020 | IFAI Institut for Art and Innovation Berlin | Social Art Award 2019
  • 2011 | Sparkasse Foundation Bremerhaven | Newcomer Artist Prize

  • 2023 | Fonds Darstellende Künste #rechercheförderung | AI & me
  • 2022 | Fonds Darstellende Künste #rechercheförderung | Benin Berlin
  • 2021 | Berliner Senatsverwaltung Kultur und Europa | Draußenstadt | DreamOn
  • 2020 | Fonds Darstellende Künste #takecare | Die fünfte Sparte
  • 2020 | Holzmarkt 25 Stiftung e.V. | Scholarship
  • 2019 | Berliner Senatsverwaltung Kultur | Einstiegsförderung | Fleisch
  • 2018 | Schering Stiftung & Theresia Zander Stiftung | Europaparty
  • 2017 | Fonds Darstellende Künste | Initialförderung
  • 2014 – 2015 | Federal Ministry of Education | Deutschlandstipendium
  • 2012 – 2015 | Stiftung Studium für Ost-West-Integration | Scholarship

  • 2024 | installation design & costume | Karneval der Kulturen Berlin
  • 2023 | stage design | Opéra National du Rhin | On achève bien les Chevaux
  • 2023 | exhibition design | Soros Foundation Berlin
  • 2021 | installation | Frixberg Berlin | DreamOn
  • 2020 | installation | Holzmarkt Berlin | legit area
  • 2019 | installation | Theater am Aufbauhaus Berlin | Stück Fleisch
  • 2018 | stage design | Theater am Aufbauhaus Berlin | Europaparty
  • 2018 | installation | Lichterspektakel Bremerhaven | Kazzie’s lights
  • 2018 | stage design | Zwingli-Kirche Berlin | Stimmen des Kiezes
  • 2018 | stage design | BKA Theater Berlin
  • 2016 | installation | Lichterspektakel Bremerhaven | Allee der Traumtänzer
  • 2016 | stage & costume | Volksbühne Berlin | Blind Chicken!
  • 2016 | costume | Landesbühnen Sachsen | Ritter der Tafelrunde
  • 2015 | installation | Konrad Wolf Potsdam-Babelsberg | Echo Akut 3.0
  • 2014 | stage & costume | Deutsch Oper Berlin | Das neue Rotkäppchen
  • 2011 | installation | Stadtpark Bremerhaven | in the move
  • 2011 | direction and stage design | Auroville India | Forrests Secret Helpers
  • 2010 | installation | Kunstfest Weimar | Sender Weimar

  • OPERA & THEATRE collaborations
  • 2022 | assistance | Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin | Il Guistino
  • 2022 | assistance | Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin | Don Giovanni
  • 2021 | assistance | Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin | Cosí fan tutte
  • 2021 | assistance | Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin | Le nozze di Figaro
  • 2019 | assistance | Hans-Otto Theater Potsdam | Das achte Leben
  • 2017 | dramaturgy | Volkstheater Rostock | Have a look
  • 2017 | dramaturgy | Volkstheater Rostock | Die Bakchen
  • 2017 | dramaturgy | Volkstheater Rostock | Zar und Zimmermann
  • 2016 | assistance | Schauspielhaus Leipzig | Minusmensch
  • 2011 | assistance | Theater Koblenz | Les Boulingrins & La Navaraise

  • 2020 | Holzmarkt Berlin | Widerkunst III
  • 2015 | Prima Center Berlin | Adabana
  • 2015 | Goethe45 Bremerhaven | Gulab Jamun
  • 2015 | Blond&Blond Berlin | Das menschliche Leben beginnt jenseits der Verzweiflung


At the heart of art, I perceive its power for empowerment and transformation, inspired by global diversity and culture.

Stage Design

Concept Design
Scale Modeling
Material Selection
Scene Transitions
Technical Transitions


Spatial Narration
Visual Motifs
Set Conflict
Set Characterization

Public Art

Material Selection


Exhibition Concept
Visitor Flow
Spatial Design
Production Planning

Related Projects

Through my global artistic endeavors, I aim to merge cross-cultural collaborations into transformative experiences, using workshops to unveil the profound power of art in reshaping societies.

Masterpiece for Good
Non-Profit Organisation

International Projects


Workshops & Cultural Education


My mighty clients which I ♥ dearly